07 Feb 2018

Our students and staff have returned after the summer break to find an amazing array of special things growing in our beautiful gardens! Mrs Maher and the students were busy planting in November with some plants kindly donated by Bunnings Warehouse. Linda Swinfield kindly purchased and laid the mulch. The students have been busy bees watering the plants before the break and Ron and Pauline across the road watered them for us while we were on holidays. Now we have to plan a menu to eat them! Check them out.
Mandarins are coming along nicely.
Wild Currants in our Bush Tucker Garden are doing fine.
Rock along with rockmelon!
Our native bees were swarming at the end of last year.
Zucchinis in bikinis.
The blueberry bushes have doubled in size!
A grapevine is working its way to K12's classroom.
Cucumber sandwiches for afternoon tea.
Green ones too!
Cucumber flowers
Shhh...Don't wake the baby eggplants.
We'd also like to thank Toronto Men's Shed for making the signs for our garden. We love it!