04 May 2016
Each year schools are required to seek the opinions of parents, students and teachers about the school.
Their responses are presented below.
The school sought the opinions of parents through the Parent Satisfaction Survey. Results related to our targets are presented below:
N.B. answer options were: not at all, a little bit, somewhat, quite a bit and a tremendous amount.
• 100% of parents reported that they thought their children enjoyed being at school "quite a bit" or higher.
• 80% thought that lessons were "quite motivating" or higher for their child, while 20% thought that the lessons were "somewhat motivating".
• 100% of parents recorded the highest option of "extremely well" regarding staff creating a school environment that helps children learn.
• Parents agreed that the school values diversity with 90% recording "quite a bit" or higher, while 10% thought "somewhat".
• Survey results indicated that parents believe their child feels a sense of belonging with 30% recording "quite a bit" and 70% recording the highest option of "a tremendous amount".
In summary parents opinions were extremely positive regarding their child's welfare and the school environment in which they learn. Parental input is highly valued and used as a source of staff discussion and school planning.